Wednesday, May 02, 2007


shingle by shingle we are getting closer to the actual building process. Shawn has been up on the scaffolding tearing off the boards and shingles. I help with the shingles until it gets too high. Then I head to the ground (the gloriously stable ground) to take the rusty nails out of the boards so we can re-use the boards in the re-built barn. We actually took the weekend off and went to the cities for the Midwest Mountaineering Expo - heard a couple of good speakers. The Expo offers some terrific presentations on outdoor topics. We also did the Iron Man Bike Ride - beautiful day, lots and lots of people. Good to see some familiar faces. It was fun to be in the cities. It is also good to be back at the Homestead. Lots of work to be done. It is fun and exciting to see the progress... wow, we are really doing this!! Well, off to tear off more shingles...

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